Clear and colored concretes. High resistance concretes.
Prepared mortars for coatings.
Take care of the dosage, kneading and especially curing, the latter recommended for at least 7 days, to avoid cracking due to shrinkage and especially during the first hours.
At high temperatures, protect the concrete from the action of the sun and wind to avoid drying out.
In cold weather, protect the concrete.
Not usable for prestressed concrete.
Works in aggressive environments, waters and terrain.
Prestressed concrete. Reinforced concrete pieces, of medium or large volume and thickness, and structures that are easily cracked by shrinkage, both thermally and hydraulically. 18:25:532021-11-14 20:02:52BL I 52,5 R 18:28:062021-11-14 20:14:50BL II A-LL 52,5 N