Works in aggressive environments and media (saline soils, very pure and sulphated waters, sewage conduits, water and marine environments, gypsum soils …).
Moderate heat of hydration that reduces thermal shrinkage.
Works in aggressive environments and media (saline soils, very pure and sulphated waters, sewage conduits, water and marine environments, gypsum soils …).
Moderate heat of hydration that reduces thermal shrinkage.
Use in mass and reinforced concrete.
Can be used in prefabrication.
Cuidar la dosificación, el amasado y muy especialmente el curado, este último recomendable durante al menos 7 días, para evitar fisuraciones por retracción y especialmente durante las primeras horas.
Take care of the dosage, kneading and especially curing, the latter recommended for at least 7 days, to avoid cracking due to shrinkage and especially during the first hours.
At high temperatures, protect the concrete from the action of the sun and wind to avoid drying out.
In cold weather, protect the concrete.
Not usable for prestressed concrete.
Con altas temperaturas, proteger el hormigón de la acción del sol y del viento para evitar desecación.
Con tiempo frío, proteger el hormigón.
No utilizable para hormigón pretensado.
Not usable for prestressed concrete.
35 kg plasticized bagging on pallets of 55 bags (also without pallets) 18:25:532021-11-14 20:02:52BL I 52,5 R 18:28:062021-11-14 20:14:50BL II A-LL 52,5 N